How to convert a file to another format in SharePoint Online

September 13th 2023

Converting documents has been tedious since computers have existed, but no longer! With Vertr, you can now convert over 70+ file formats from SharePoint Online, meaning you never have to leave the tech you use daily.

To ensure that you can convert within SharePoint, you must have installed our conversion tool, Vertr.

👉 Find out how!

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You have options if you want to find out how to merge multiple file formats into a PDF!

We have created both a step-by-step guide and a video. So you can learn in the best way that suits you.


Convert a single file to another file format


1. Select your document

You can select up to 1,000 documents, but today, we’re just focusing on one! If you would like to find out how to convert multiple documents at once, check out our blog post.

2. Click Convert

You can click “Convert” in the toolbar or by clicking the ellipsis on your document row (see below).

3. We run a validation

To ensure you’re not trying to convert something like a folder, we run checks on your input file.

4. Choose your output format

In this example, we are converting to PDF, but there are numerous file formats you can convert to. Check out our conversion possibilities documentation to find out what you can convert to and from.

5. Choose your Filename

Name your file immediately by typing it in pre-conversion.

6. Choose your Destination Library

To select where you would like to save your converted document, you need to choose your Destination Library. You can select anywhere across SharePoint!

 7. Choose your Options – overwrite

Vertr allows you to configure many options, all of which are contextual to the type of file format you are converting into. But if you want to overwrite a document with the same name and file extension, you can click overwrite! If you want to keep them separate, leave the box unchecked, and Vertr will add a unique identifier, much like SharePoint does already.

8. Choose your Options – Copy metadata

If you need to ensure that your new document has the same metadata as the document you’re inputting (converting from), check Copy Metadata!

 9. Choose your Options – Copy permissions

Keep your Compliance team happy by selecting Copy Permissions. This ensures that any permissions set to the inputted document are transferred over to your outputted document.

10. Choose your Options – PDF/A Compliance

If converting to PDF, you might want to ensure you’re keeping all the right fonts, colours, text and images. By selecting PDF/A compliant, it will meet all the regulatory requirements.

11. Watermark your document

You can text watermark your document by choosing what you would like it to say, and how you would like it to be displayed – Horizontal, Vertical or Diagonal.

Did you know you get access to Flowr for Power Automate with your Vertr subscription?

If you want your PDF to have an image watermark, we suggest checking out our Flowr Power Automate action – Add Image Watermark to PDF. There is even an Advanced version, so you can configure your watermark to your exact specifications. You can run this flow after your files have been merged and converted.

12. Secure your document

Keep your document secure by adding a password. This ensures that only those who need to access the document can!

 13. Click “Convert”

Your document will begin to convert!

14. Processing

Vertr processes documents quickly, but you can see that the process has started by the spinning circle.

15. Your document is converted!

You will immediately get a link to your new document, meaning you don’t have to search for it.

16. Check your folder

It’s always best practice to check that everything has run smoothly. If you can’t see your document straight away, hit refresh and it will appear in your folder. If you still can’t see it, make sure you’re in the right folder – your document will appear in the folder you selected as your Destination Library.

17. Check your document

Check your document is up to scratch! Ensure that the password works and makes sure that the watermark is clear but doesn’t obstruct your viewing experience.

You now have your converted document!

We hope you’ve found this explanation helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or reach out to our support team at

Ev Luna-Rose

Content Marketing Manager

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