How to convert multiple file formats in SharePoint Online

September 13th 2023

Converting documents by going into each one and then saving them in a different format is time-consuming and, let’s face it, tedious. That’s why Vertr was created: to remove this dull, lengthy process and replace it with a way to convert multiple files simultaneously! So, how do you convert multiple SharePoint files at once? Let’s find out!

To ensure that you can convert within SharePoint, you must have installed our conversion tool, Vertr.

👉 Find out how!

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If you want to discover how to convert multiple file formats simultaneously, you have options!

We have created both a step-by-step guide and a video. So you can learn in the best way that suits you.


Convert multiple files to other file formats


1. Select multiple files

Select whichever files you would like to convert directly from SharePoint. You don’t need to select the same file types or worry about only selecting documents you want to convert to PDF, for example, as you will choose what you want each individual file to convert to later.

2. Click Convert

You can do this in the top toolbar. You may need to click the ellipsis to see it.

Can’t see “Convert”?

Make sure you have installed Vertr properly – see our documentation.

3. We’ll run our checks

To ensure you’re not trying to convert something like a folder, we run some pre-conversion checks o your experience is seamless.

 4. Choose your Destination Library

Choose where you want to save your new documents. It can be anywhere you have access to in SharePoint!

5. Delete input files, if necessary

If you realise you have selected a document you don’t need to convert, you can delete it here rather than starting all over again!

 6. Choose the formats you need to convert to

Each inputted file format has specific output file formats. Check out all our conversion possibilities.

7. Rename your converted documents

If you want to rename your document, you can do so here.

8. Click the Settings icon

Choose how you would like to configure your converted documents.

Please note that each configuration is contextual to your selected output file format. For example, the configuration for HTML documents will be different for PDFs.

9. Configure your document

There are loads of ways you can configure your new document, and each of them is contextual to which format you have selected to convert to. In this example, we chose to convert to PDF so we can choose to overwrite our file, remove markup, copy permissions and metadata, ensure the document is PDF/A Compliant and even Force OCR!

10. Watermark you converted document

You can add a text watermark to your converted document easily by typing in what you want it to say and then choosing the orientation of the watermark – either Vertical, Horizontal or Diagonal.

11. Secure your document

If you need to secure your document to ensure only specific people in your organisation can access it, you can add a password.

12. Click “Convert”

As soon as you click Convert, your documents will begin processing.

13. We process your documents

Whilst we’re processing and converting your documents, you can see the status of each.

14. Your documents have been converted!

To let you know that your documents are converted, we will give you links to all your new documents for you to check out immediately.

15. Check your new converted documents have been added in the right place

If you can’t see your documents, refresh! You may have checked the wrong folder if you still can’t see them. Always check for your document in the folder you selected as your Destination Library.

16. Check documents

Check out your newly converted documents, and check that any watermarks and passwords are configured correctly.

You now have your converted documents!

We hope you’ve found this explanation helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or reach out to our support team at

Ev Luna-Rose

Content Marketing Manager

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