Format Text Case in Power Automate

November 9th 2023

Post #14 of our Build Flows Faster series covering our new utility actions for Power Automate. We will publish many more posts and accompanying videos over the coming weeks, but today’s lesson is about formatting date values in Power Automate.

Our utility actions are targeted at helping you build flows more quickly with less complexity, and they brilliantly only use 0.05 actions from your Encodian Flowr and Vertr subscription allowance. For example, under a standard plan that permits 500 actions per month (uses), you could use the utility actions 10,000 times!

Introducing the ‘Format Text Case’ Utility Action

The ‘Format Text Case‘ utility action for Power Automate formats the text value per the selected formatting option. The action provides the following text formatting options:

  • ToUpper – Converts the text value to uppercase
  • ToLower – Converts the text value to lowercase
  • ToUpperInvariant – Converts the text value to uppercase, providing a culture-independent result
  • ToLowerInvariant – Converts the text value to lowercase, providing a culture-independent result
  • ToTitleCase – Converts the first letter of each word contained within the text value to uppercase
  • ToSentanceCase – Converts the first letter of the first word within each sentence and proper nouns to uppercase
  • ToggleCase – Converts lowercase to uppercase and vice versa

Video Guide: Format Text Case in Power Automate

Instructions: Format Text Case in Power Automate

The trigger

As with many of our utility actions, there are a myriad of scenarios where you may need to format text cases. Therefore, we’ll focus on how the ‘Format Text Case‘ utility action works as opposed to a specific scenario. Consider the following basic and manually triggered flow:

Format Text Case

1. Add the ‘Format Text Case‘ utility action to the flow

1.a. Text: Select the text value to format. For this example, I’ve selected the ‘Text‘ property provided by the trigger action.

1.b. Action: Set the formatting action

Send an email

Now, let’s do something simple with the formatted date value. I’ll configure the flow to send an email:

2. Add the ‘Send me an email notification‘ action

2.a. Subject: Configure the email subject value as required

2.b. Body: Configure the email body as required, including the ‘Result‘ property provided by the ‘Format Date‘ utility action

Upon execution, the following email will be generated:

Text Input: Manage and simplify access to your information safely and securely using our products built for Microsoft 365

If you require further advice or support regarding Encodian utility actions, please email our support team at where the team would be delighted to help.

UPDATE: We’re excited to announce some significant updates to Flowr for Power Automate! As of October 2024, we’ve improved by updating action names and splitting Flowr’s central Power Automate connector into nine specialized connectors. These changes will make your workflow faster, smoother, and more efficient. The new action names are more precise and intuitive, saving you time, while the focused connectors enhance performance and flexibility. This update also helps future-proof the platform for even more powerful features. Check out our updated action names blog.

Jay Goodison

Managing Director

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